Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 9 EOC: Thy Apartment

       Once you done watching the movie Thy Apartment you notice a lot of actions that was inappropriate. Such a simple thing can happen in a working office like slapping an employee’s butt to using other people apartment for your affair. Such things like these situation should not be happening in a work environment. Now days in any workplace things like these different situation would not be happening. When you notice each of the different situation throughout the movie each one of them is called sexual harassments or work place harassments. These different situation does happen at workplace around the world.

            “The administrative structure or specific entity name will vary by state, but the regulatory process will be similar. It is also important to note that state and locally passed employment law and regulations may affect the actions of hospitality managers even more often than will federal regulations. Codes and ordinances established at the state or local level can often be very strict and may be strictly enforced. The penalties for violating these laws can be just as severe as those at the federal level.” (Page 31)

            When it came to the sexual harassments in the movie you first notice that one of the upper management slap the elevator girl butt while stepping out on his floor. For that situation that should never happen or a women should not be touch no matter what situation present. Even though a women is very attractive to you go towards her way that is not stepping over the boundary. But do ask each other out in the workplace that is appropriate. Another situation that comes to play is upper management having an affair when they are actually married. Not only being married but having their affair in lower employment apartment just like a hot spot. With using a lower employment apartment give them a chance to hold something against him such as moving himself up the management team or even thinking about taking it all back. “Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.” (Page 36)

            Now moving onto work place harassments such as looking through people work file like elevator girl. No one in the work place should be able to look through your profile without permission. This situation is crossing a line that is not respectful and also allow in nay work place. Even in the work place telling another employee’s during the office holiday party information such as spreading rumors about other employee’s in the office.

“The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not specifically prohibit this type of discrimination. It is important to remember that HR managers working in the hospitality industry must be aware of all civil rights laws in effect in the location where they are working. While a state or local law is not permitted to take away employee rights granted at the federal level, they are allowed to add to them. Thus, as in the California example, an employee group not protected by federal law may be granted protection by a more favorable (to the employee) local law” (Page 37)

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