Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 8 EOC : Nine To Five Movie


            When it came to the movie Nine to Five there was many things that were going on in that office that shouldn’t have happen. Such as simple example as disrespect the person above you but below you head boss or even being rude to other employee’s. These simple things can cause many problems within the company aspect throughout the movie three ladies they started to fix the problems.

            “Equal treatment based on seniority replaces decisions, if any, made on the basis of personal relationships. Higher compensation levels, more control over work rules, greater job security, and peer influences are additional factors that some employees believe will be better addressed after union affiliation. Still other employees join unions because of union shop provisions of some union contracts: if all employees in a department are unionized, then new employees will be required to join the union and pay dues to it.” (Page 401)

            Such as equal treatment within the workplace in the movie was obvious that equal treatment was not put in place. Such as gaining the higher position for managements the role went on the male gender due to being the female aspect.  Gaining the higher role in the office was giving to the male gender due to the office being afraid of having a female gender the head shot. All gender should have the equal right to any position of management that is being offer. No matter what day in ages we are living gender sexes are equal. No genders should be put down no matter how afraid people feel at times.

“Each of these performance appraisal characteristics may appear obvious, but busy supervisors may not receive training in the methods required by the hospitality organization. In large properties, human resources specialists typically work with 298299department heads, managers, and supervisors to develop property-wide procedures. In small organizations, the general manager and other personnel with human resources duties must ensure that these characteristics are incorporated into the performance appraisal system.” (Page 298)        

Then the training aspect was in the wrong due to not teaching the new employee’s the right way to proper use the office machine. Throughout the movie one character seem like she was doing the right thing but whole thing was she has learn it on her own. The person higher than her was supposed to teach step by step how to proper use the office machine. Which that did not happen in the movie as you seen, such as first she shows how she works the office machine. The proper way to show a new employee’s is showing the step by step in ways how to do things in the work environment.

“After the performance appraisal system is established, the human resources role continues as applicable policies, procedures, evaluation forms, and other documents are developed. Implementation involves communication with affected personnel. Those who will conduct performance appraisals must be trained, and employees must learn about the system. Follow-up tasks, including process evaluation, revision, if necessary, and management of specific ad hoc issues, are required. Also, because appraisal information will become part of the employees' personnel records, information must be collected and managed.” (Page 301)

            Also in the movie the main problems you notice was employees was being sexual harassments by their head boss. Such as going in to dinner with his sectary and having things going a little too far even though the boss does has a wife. That was in the wrong to even go out with their boss even for dinner. Then also the next thing that happen was the boss sending out his other employees to buy “something” for his wife they thought. While the other employees notice that the item they have brought for the boss’s wife was for his other employees that they were having affair. Within the office other employee’s started talking about this “one” employee’s due to the situation with the boss. That started things to be weird and also rude comments about this “one employee’s.

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